We are excited to announce that flag football cheerleading is HERE! SGYAA is always looking for more opportunities to get those kiddos out and active! A few facts below: 👇
Goal: The goal of flag football cheerleading is for athletes to have an opportunity to practice and build skills, bond with team members, and support our Flag Football players.
Team Bank Link: https://band.us/n/a1a5A6oam6c0L
Cost: $65
Grades: Grades K-7
Practice Schedule: The practice schedule is coming soon!
Game Schedule: Saturdays starting in April. More specific times and location TBD.
Cheerleaders will receive a bow (if not in tackle football cheer as it is the same), a white crop top, and socks along with their uniform. White cheer shoes and black leggings are an additional requirement that is provided by the parents.
Socks: White Crop: